Car insurance with full coverage at cheap rates:

Some insurance companies may classify themselves as providers of very cheap no deposit auto insurance or cheap full coverage auto insurance. But what they do here is that they offer an insurance policy that...

Life insurance fraud

Life insurance fraud is a black eye on both life insurance companies and life insurance customers. Both parties have been guilty of life insurance fraud and will be again - especially since fraud unfortunately...

The relationship between insurance and finance

Insurance and finance are two closely intertwined areas of business, not least because they both involve money. Both often involve speculation and risk, and oftentimes, where one goes, the other will follow. Take real...

Tips on buying car insurance

Car insurance companies underwrite policies that assess the risks granted to each insurance applicant. During this process, the person is grouped into a category, such as high-risk, low-risk, teen or elderly driver. If these...

Understanding about auto insurance reviews

When you start looking for reviews, be sure to look at companies that are trustworthy. Visit the insurance department in the state where you live. Many will publish consumer complaint ratios for all companies...

Leading insurance agency results

Many insurance agencies have not yet formalized a master scoring system. This is a worthwhile endeavor for all agencies, and should be revisited each year, while tracking the return on investment for their marketing...

Car insurance with full coverage at cheap rates:

Some insurance companies may classify themselves as providers of very cheap no deposit auto insurance or cheap full coverage auto insurance. But what they do here is that they offer an insurance policy that...